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2021-03-09 18:56:27 admin
USD/JPY0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理
The USD/JPY rally has got wings with strong bullish moves and a sharp exponential. The next target is

USD/JPY0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The USD/JPY rally has got wings with strong bullish moves and a sharp exponential. The next target is a one year high at the 109.44 price level. The recent pace of the price recovery seems like it may quickly become overstretched. Momentum indicators suggest the pair is overbought, with RSI moving beyond the 70 overbought line.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USD/JPY反弹动能强劲,看涨走势急剧飙升。下一个目标为一年高点的109.44价位。近期价格复苏的节奏似乎即将超负荷。动量指标显示已超买,相对强弱指标(RSI)突破70超买线。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

GBP/USD0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The GBPUSD pair has pulled back towards the 1.373 support level as dollar strength halted the rally. The pair may now stabilize within the 1.373- 1.413 range. Momentum indicators have turned sharply bearish with MACD approaching the zero line.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

由于美元走强阻止反弹,GBP/USD已回调至1.373支撑位。目前该货币对可能稳定在1.373至1.413区间内。动量指标大幅转为看跌,指数平滑移动平均线(MACD)接近零线。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

EURUSD0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The Eurodollar has sold off in emphatic fashion breaking the 1.192 support level and testing the 1.184 price line. A break would see the pair return to previous price lows seen during lockdown periods. Momentum indicators are bearish, with RSI touching the 30 oversold line.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

Eurodollar大幅抛售,目前突破1.192支撑位后测试1.184价位。若实现跌破该货币对将回到此前封锁期间的价格低点。动量指标看跌,相对强弱指标(RSI)触及30超卖线。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USDCHF0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The USDCHF pair has surged towards a long-term price high at the 0.938 level, at a series of points along the rally, bullish momentum has been waning. However, buyers have support as the US dollar comes back into favour. Momentum indicators are bullish, with RSI moving beyond the 70 overbought line.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USD/CHF货币对飙升至0.938长期价格高点,反弹期间的一系列点位表明看涨势头持续减弱。但是随着美元逐步复苏,买方获得支撑。动量指标看涨,相对强弱指标(RSI)突破70超买线。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

WS300L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

WS30 has recovered from a pullback towards the ascending trendline which has cemented the rally. Price action is now, once again, testing the 31,982.03 resistance line and buyers conviction will be tested. Momentum indicators have upward trajectories.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

WS30从此前回调至上升趋势线中恢复走势,从而巩固反弹行情。目前价格走势再次测试31,982.03阻力位,买方信心将受到考验。动量指标有向上的轨迹。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

HK500L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The HK50 has stalled at the junction of the 28,328.20 support line and ascending trendline. Buying pressure appears to be rising as the support area remains intact. Momentum indicators have stalled in bearish territory and look to be on the verge of upward trajectories.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

HK50在28,328.20支撑位和上升趋势线交界处停滞。由于支撑区仍保持完整,买盘压力似乎正在上升。动量指标在看跌区域停滞,似乎正处于上升的边缘。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

JP2250L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The JP225 has pulled back to test the lower bound of a previous trading range. Given the lack of strong bearish moves the pullback is likely due to waning bullish sentiment. A break of the 28825 price level may give weight to the bearish move. Momentum indicators have established downward trajectories.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

JP225回调测试此前的交易区间下限。鉴于缺乏强劲的看跌走势,回调可能为看涨情绪减弱所致。如果实现突破28825价位可能加重看跌走势。动量指标已确立下行。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

以上文章中英文版本若有任何歧义,概以英文版本为准。0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

策略仅供参考 不做交易依据0L3爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

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