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2021-01-19 11:41:34 admin
USD/JPYZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理The USD/JPY pair has stalled at the 103.72 support level, as a series of small-bodied candles indicate

USD/JPYZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The USD/JPY pair has stalled at the 103.72 support level, as a series of small-bodied candles indicate indecision with neither buyers and sellers are dominating price action. There is a well-established longer-term downtrend and we may expect further dollar weakness. Momentum indicators have flattened in bullish territory.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

鉴于一系列“小实体蜡烛线”表明目前市场的不确定性,买卖双方均未主导价格走势,USD/JPY货币对于103.72支撑位停滞。长期下跌趋势已确立,预计美元可能进一步走软。动量指标在看涨区域趋于平缓。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

GBP/USDZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The GBP/USD pair has pulled back from the 1.368 resistance line as the pair continues to oscillate in a well-established uptrend. Higher lows indicate that bullish sentiment remains strong. Momentum indicators remain in bullish territory but appear to be starting downward trajectories.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

GBP/USD仍在已确立的上升趋势中振荡,目前该货币对自1.368阻力位回调。高于旧低点表明看涨情绪依然强劲。动量指标仍处于看涨区域,但似乎开始呈显下降趋势。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

EURUSDZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The EURUSD pair has broken the 1.214 support level as sellers have begun to drive price action. The ascending trendline has represented a long-term support for the pair and as price action approaches, sellers conviction will be tested. Momentum indicators have downward trajectories and have entered bearish territory.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

由于卖方开始推动价格趋势,EUR/USD突破1.214支撑位。鉴于上升趋势线为该货币对的长期支撑,目前随着价格走势的临近,卖方的信心将受到考验。动量指标呈下降趋势并进入看跌区域。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

XAUUSDZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

XAUUSD remains in the 1779-1860 trading range, with price action reflecting a moderate bearish bias. Buying pressure is climbing in todays trading session. Momentum indicators have turned sharply bearish with MACD breaking the zero line to the downside.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

XAU/USD仍处于1779至1860交易区间,价格走势呈现轻微看跌倾向。今日交易时段,买盘压力正在上升。动量指标已大幅转为看跌,指数平滑移动平均线(MACD)跌破零线并走低。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USOUSDZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USOUSD appears to be undergoing a price reversal. Sellers have facilitated a break of the 52.63 support line with the metal returning back towards the lower bound of the $50 per barrel range. The next support level is likely to be the ascending trendline. Momentum indicators have flattened in bearish territory.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USO/USD似乎正在经历价格反转。卖方推动了52.63支撑线的突破,金价重返每桶50美元区间下限。下个支撑位可能为上升趋势线。动量指标在看跌区域趋于平缓。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

US500ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

US500 is pulling back from a recent price ceiling at the 3833 price level. The next support level is the 3670 price area which represents the floor of the current price range. It seems likely that the index will continue to consolidate within this range going forward. Momentum indicators are beginning downward trajectories.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

US500正从近期价格高点3833回调。下个支撑位为当前价格区间下限的3670价位。未来该指数可能持续位于该区间内盘整。动量指标开始下降。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

JP225ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The JP225 index has broken the 28,347 price line in an apparent reversal. Conviction remains low in current trading to drive a full price reversal despite the rise in selling activity and likely represents a dip rather than a full correction. Momentum indicators are pulling back from bullish territory with RSI breaking the 70 line.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

JP225指数已突破28.347价位并出现明显的逆转。尽管抛售增加,但当前交易中推动价格全面逆转的信心仍然较低,可能仅仅为下跌而非全面回调。动量指标从看涨区域回调,相对强弱指标(RSI)突破70线。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

以上文章中英文版本若有任何歧义,概以英文版本为准。ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.ZXp爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

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