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2021-01-11 19:46:43 admin
USD/JPY4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理USD/JPY buyers have returned with conviction taking the pair beyond the descending trendline and back t

USD/JPY4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USD/JPY buyers have returned with conviction taking the pair beyond the descending trendline and back towards the 104.29 resistance level. This price area has proven to be a hurdle for buyers in the past and a break would signal significant bullish sentiment. Momentum indicators have sharp upward trajectories.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USD/JPY买方强势回归,使该货币对脱离下降趋势线回到104.29阻力位。该价格区曾被证明为买方的障碍,若实现突破将意味着看涨情绪强势。动量指标具有明显的上升轨迹。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

GBP/USD4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The GBP/USD pair has broken back below the 1.358 resistance level although conviction from buyers seems limited currently, which may be the first indication that a total price reversal is not imminent. The pair may now languish in the previous trading range between the 1.338 and 1.358 price levels. Momentum indicators have begun downward trajectories.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

尽管目前买方信心似乎有限,但GBP/USD跌回至1.358阻力位以下,此举可能为并非即将价格逆转的最初迹象。目前,该货币对可能位于1.338至1.358的价格区间盘整。动量指标已开始向下运行。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

EUR/USD4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The Eurodollar has rebounded from the 1.229 resistance level, as sellers have begun to build dominance in near-term price action. The next target is the 1.214 support level, however, the pair may consolidate within the current range. Momentum indicators have downward trajectories.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

因卖方开始在近期价格走势中占据主导地位,Eurodollar自1.229阻力位反弹。下个目标为 1.214 支撑位,但是该货币对可能在当前区间盘整。动量指标有向下的轨迹。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USDCHF4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The USDCHF pair is once again testing the 0.887 resistance area, with previous attempts resulting in a pullback. If a break can materialise, we may see the pair return to previous levels before the height of the covid-19 outbreak. Momentum indicators are beginning bullish reversals.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USD/CHF 货币对再次测试0.887阻力区,此前的测试均导致回调。如果可以实现突破,我们将会看到该货币对回归至此前covid-19爆发时的位置。动量指标开始看涨反转。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USDCAD4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The USDCAD has benefitted by improving conditions in oil markets as one of the worlds petrocurrencies. Bullish momentum has taken the pair beyond the 1.269 price line and the next target is the range ceiling at the 1.290 price level. Momentum indicators are beginning upward trajectories.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

作为世界石油货币之一的USD/CAD受益于石油市场状况的改善。看涨势头已经使该货币对超越1.269价格线,下个目标为1.290价位的区间上限。动量指标开始上升。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

XAUUSD4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

The Gold rally was once again short-lived as the metal has broken below the descending trendline and 1860.18 support level- which previously was an obstacle for sellers. Buyers have managed to hold price action above the 1810.10 support level in the near-term. Momentum indicators are undergoing reversals with RSI pulling away from overbought conditions.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

黄金的反弹再次转瞬即逝,金价已跌破此前为卖方阻碍的下降趋势线及1860.18支撑位。短期内,买方已成功将价格走势维持在1810.10支撑位上方。动量指标正在发生逆转,相对强弱指标(RSI)脱离超买状态。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

USO/USD4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

Sellers have returned in early trading for USOUSD, which has seen the last four consecutive trading sessions dominated by bullish sentiment. The commodity remains in the $50 per barrel range as output cuts continue to elevate prices. Can this range be sustained? Momentum indicators suggest that the commodity is overbought and reversals are underway.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

早盘交易中USO/USD卖方已回归,最近的连续四个交易日均被看涨情绪主导。鉴于减产使油价持续升高,大宗商品仍在每桶50美元区间。问题在于该区间能否持续?动量指标表明大宗商品超买并正在进行逆转。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

以上文章中英文版本若有任何歧义,概以英文版本为准。4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

策略仅供参考 不做交易依据4lu爱金融|一站式招商信息整合平台 期货|外汇|现货代理

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